티스토리 뷰

Chapter 4. The Ethic of Truths

진리들의 윤리

Ethics-Badiou. Ch4(20.04.012).hwp

Q : Why he use ‘Ethic’ instead of ‘Ethics’?


Being, event, truth, subject

존재, 사건, 진리, 주체


p40 : Composing of a subject is the passing of a truth along its path. This is when the human animal is convoked to be the immortal that he was not yet. (41) It is clear that what there is (the ordinary state of relation to the other, before a loving encounter) cannot define such a circumstance.

-> what there is 지금 주어진 것


p41 : Let us call this supplement an event, and let us distinguish mutiple-being, where it is not a matter of truth (but only of opinions), from the event, which compels us to decide a new way of being. (42) Essentially, a truth is the material course traced, within the situation, by the evental supplementation. It is thus an immanent break. Immanent because a truth proceeds in the situation, and nowhere else (43) there is no heaven of truths. ‘Break’ because what enables the truth process-the event- meant nothing according to the prevailing language and established knowledge of the situation.

-> immanent break 내재적 파열, prevailing 우세한 지배적인,


p43 : The subject, therefore, in no way pre-exists the process. The procee of truths induces a subject.

The subject of love, is not the loving subject described by the classical moralists. the province of human nature, within the logic of passion, whereas what I am talking about has no ‘natural’ pre-existence. The lovers as such enter into the composition of one loving subject, who exceeds them both.

-> moralist 도덕학자, pre-existence 선재성


Formal definition of the ethic of a truth

진리의 윤리에 대한 형식적 정의


p44 : ‘the ethic of a truth’ is the principle that enables the continuation of a truth-process or, to be more precise and complex, that which lends consistency to the presence of someone in the composition of the subject induced by the process of this truth.

the composition of a point of truth always assuming that an event has(45)occurred, along with an immanent break taking the sustained from of a faithful process.

-> lend 부여하다, consistnecy 일관성, induce 도출시키다, assume 행해지다, along with ~하에서, sustained 지속적인


2. What should we understand now by consistency? simply, that there is a law of the not-known. For it the some-one enters into the composition of a subject of truth only by exposing himself entirely to a post-evental fidelity, then there remains the problem of knowing what he, this some-one will become through this testing experience.


p47 : Consistency is the engagement of one’s singularity(someone) in the continuation of a subject of truth. It is to submit the perseverance of what is known to a duration peculiar to the not-known.

Lacan touched on this point when he proposed his ethical maxim: ‘do not give up on your desire’. For desire is constitutive of the subject of the unconscious; it is thus the not-known par excellence, such that ‘do not give up on your desire’ rightly means: ‘do not give up on that part of yourself that you do not know’ We might add that the ordeal of the not-known is the distant effect of the evental supplement, the puncturing that ‘do not give up’ means, in the end: do not give up on your own seizure by a truth-process.

-> singularity 개별성, duration 지속, ordeal 시련, supplement 부가물, puncturing 구멍, vanished 증발된,


The preseverance in being of what he is. By linking (for such, precisely, is consistency) the known by the not-known.

Do all that you can to persevere in that which exceeds your perseverance. Persevere in the interruption. Seize in your being that which has seized and broken you.

-> perseverance 보존


p48 : The place of ethics is indicated by the chronic conflict between two functions of the multiple material that makes up the whole being of a ‘some-one’: on the one hand, its simple deployment, his belonging to the situation, or what we might call the principle of interest; on the other, consistency, the linking of the known by the not-known, or what we might call the subjective principle.

It is now a simple matter to describe the manifestations of consistency, to sketch a phenomenology of the ethic of truths.

-> chronic 만성적, makes up 구성하다, whole being 모든 존재, deployment 전개, manifestations 징후, 표식
